
Below are the general rules that the Company will apply to all employees:

Training is provided when needed. We are hiring truck drivers so applicants must have a CE valid driving license. In Europe truck drivers must have the code 95, as we are hiring outside the European Union we are ready to train people allowing them to get the Code 95 when they cannot have it in their country of origin. Training that cannot be done in the country of origin is performed in Poland, which is the headquarters of the company.

During training, people are housed in a rented flat near the place of the training. Housing fees are paid by the company.

Transport services are to be performed in Western Europe. Depending on client needs drivers will have to go from one country to another, countries are, but not limited to, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Poland.

Transport services are to be performed in Western Europe. Depending on client needs drivers will have to go from one country to another, countries are, but not limited to, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Poland.

For people coming from outside the EEC, things are not that simple, so we had to set the following process:

Hiring process :

  • identification
  • collection of data and document
  • validation with an accountant and juridical advisor
  • request for an invitation to the Labour Authorities in Poland
  • request for Visa (candidate)
  • etc...

Legal process:

For the first request from a company for an employee the Labour Authorities in Poland will invite for three months. This invitation has to be renewed for the second period of three months. So our contracts are set for 3 months renewable, then after 2 contracts period is set for one year.

This has two advantages, for the employee and the employer the first 3 months are enough to check if the employee fits the requirement and to check if the employer and working conditions are suitable for the employee. The second 3-month term contract will confirm or infirm the situation. After two periods of a 3-month contract, we shall be able to issue a year-term contract, maybe a contract with a longer term.

Working period:

After 3 months of work, the employee has to go back home for two weeks minimum, time to renew the visa.

Daily drivers have to respect driving time as per the law of crossed countries.

Working condition:

As written above Company is in Europe, so the working conditions are the legal working conditions set in Europe. Maybe things will change when the number of employees will grow.

Trucks used by the company offer two sleeping places, a fridge, air-conditioner, night heating system, navigation system...

About salary:

Salary is composed of two parts, the legal salary, and the daily allowance. The company is paying the minimum legal salary and related tax and offering a better daily allowance. The net salary in your pocket will be 2000 euros per month.

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